Home > Guide > GTA 5- Instant recharge Special ability cheat for PC, Xbox, Playstation

GTA 5- Instant recharge Special ability cheat for PC, Xbox, Playstation

In “Grand Theft Auto V,” the special ability is unique to each character and recharges over time without the need for cheats. However, if you want to instantly recharge your ability, you can use a cheat code on the PC, Xbox, or PlayStation platforms.

Instant Recharge special ability Cheat

  • Cell Phone : 1-999-769-3787
  • PlayStation ( PS3 & PS4,etc) : X, X, SQUARE, R1, L1, X, RIGHT, LEFT, X
  • Xbox (XboxOne & Xbox 360): A, A, X, RB, LB, A, RIGHT, LEFT, A

Michael’s special ability is Slow motion-precise shooting, Franklin’s is slow-motion driving, and Trevor’s is the rampage.

The Cheat which is given on this page, Works only in Story mode for these characters only – Michael, Franklin, and Trevor.

To Instant Recharge/increase – Special abilities of Michael, Franklin, and Trevor, you can use that cheat. But using Cheats in Story mode may disable achievements or trophies in the game, so if you don’t want to disable achievements or trophies in the game, you can use a legal way to – increase Recharge/increase – Special abilities of Michael, Franklin, and Trevor. Here is that Page where you will find a legal way to increase the ability of characters.

On that Page, you will find the Normal method, just see it carefully and apply it to your game.

Please note – Using cheat codes may disable achievements or trophies in the game, so use them at your own discretion. Additionally, cheats are intended for single-player use and do not work in online multiplayer modes.

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