Home > Guide > How to Swim in GTA 5 PC – Full Keyboard Controls

How to Swim in GTA 5 PC – Full Keyboard Controls

Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) is a popular open-world action-adventure game that allows players to explore a vast virtual world filled with various activities. One such activity is swimming, which can be a crucial skill to have. In this article, a detailed guide is provided for learning swimming controls in the GTA 5 PC game using a keyboard and mouse.

Keyboard Button used on this page

Keyboard button Used
keyboard Buttons Used on this page

Mouse button used on this page

Mouse button Used

By default, swimming Keyboard Controls

First of all, approach water bodies such as a beach, river, or swimming pool and get into the water. Your character will automatically start swimming.

1. Basic Swimming Controls:

  • To move forward while swimming , press and hold the “W” button.
  • To move backward or slow down while swimming, press and hold the “S” button.
  • To move left while swimming, press and hold the “A” button.
  • To move right while swimming, press and hold the “D” button.

2. Changing the direction of the player:

  • To change the camera view, move your mouse in the desired direction.
  • To change the direction of your character while swimming – Press and hold any direction button from these – W,S, A, and D, and move your mouse in the desired direction.

3. Swimming UP and Down

  • Go inside/down/Dive in water by pressing single-time – Space button.
  • To swim up – press & hold – Left Shift button and S button at the same time. Once you do that, your character will start swimming upwards.
  • To Swim Faster Under the water, Press & Hold Left Shift + press and hold any direction buttons from these – ( W,S,A,D) & use mouse for going in any direction.

4. Swim Underwater

  • Go inside the water by pressing – space button.
  • For direction changing and seeing around us – use the W,S, A, and D buttons for direction changing, and also use the mouse for direction changing and seeing around us.
  • To move forward – Press and hold the left shift button.
  • To move in any direction – press and hold – direction buttons -( W,S,A,D) and press and hold left shift button. (For example – to come up, simply press and hold – S + Left Shift. In the same way , to go deeper, simply press & hold – W + Left Shift.)

5. Move Faster or normally over the water and underwater


  • To Move Faster – Press & hold only the Left Shift to move forward as well as you can press and hold any direction buttons from these – ( W,S,A,D) & Mouse for going in any direction and maintaining direction.
  • To Move Normal – You can press directional buttons ( W,S,A,D) & Mouse inside the water to move in any direction, but you can move left and right easily by pressing A for left and D for right but for Up and down, you may need to press Left shift button along with S button for moving upward and W button for moving downward under the water.

Over the water

  • To Move Faster – Press & Hold Left Shift as well as any direction button from these – ( W,S,A,D) & mouse for going in any direction.
  • To Move Normal – Simply press and hold the directional button from these – (W,S,A,D) & mouse for moving in any direction and you can use the mouse to change direction.

6. Underwater Actions:

  • To attack underwater – Press the left mouse button.
  • Use a knife as an attack tool: underwater and over the water, only you can use a knife as a weapon for protection. Simply Take a knife like other weapons, or simply You Press Tab button on the keyboard to get a knife.
  • To attack – Press the Left click on the mouse You can also press the R button on the keyboard for the attack.

7. Over-the-Water Actions:

Similar to underwater controls. You can use a knife. Simply press the R button on the keyboard to attack, or you can also right-click on the mouse to attack.

It’s important to note that you can’t stay underwater forever. While swimming in GTA 5, you have to keep your eyes on your character’s stamina meter. A light blue meter you can see Just below the mini map, on the right side of the health meter.

GTA 5 Stamina Meter

Once it runs out, your character will begin to lose health very quickly. To replenish your stamina meter, you have to swim up and come over the surface of the water for a few moments. Then again, you can go under the water, but again, keep your eyes on the stamina meter. Before ending the meter, you must come over the surface of the water.

Swimming in GTA 5 not only allows you to explore underwater environments but also provides a means of escape when being pursued by enemies or the police. It’s a valuable skill that can greatly enhance your gaming experience.

So, the next time you find yourself in the water of the GTA 5 PC, refer back to this guide for full keyboard controls for swimming.

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